I find it very difficult to cope with noise at night if I go away, because there is absolutely none here (apart from birds in the very early morning at this time of year). Of course, that could all change when the very old man next door is replaced by a noisy young family - but since we were once the noisy young family, perhaps I'll be able to regard it as justice.
It was so hot last night that I had to leave my bedroom window wide open - so I got woken up by some very noisy birds at - who knows what hour? I got out of bed and shut the window. Mind you if it hadn't been the birds, then I expect my neighbours' dog would've been waking me up later on.
I'm sitting in my computer room now with the window open again and there has been a house alarm sounding in the distance for some time - fortunately it has switched off now but it must have been really annoying for their neighbours, especially if they have to get up early in the morning.
Also when I came home from the city centre on the bus earlier there was a man talking in a very loud voice for the whole journey to someone on his mobile - even with my minidisc turned up, I could still hear him rabbiting away.
End of grumpy rant about noise - for now!