Blackbird at beginning and end of breeding season
It's what we're for
Maybe we should have a breeding season, then everyone could really let themselves go for the restt of the year.
I have a sort of rant but it's not really a rant it's just a self-pity moan.
At about 2.30 yesterday afternoon I checked the Met office forecast and it looked like it was going to be a fine evening. I needed to get a gloss top coat on my back door, so I dashed home to get it done, and it immediately started raining - it didn't stop all night. I ended up taping bubble wrap across the door frame to keep the rain off it, but it took so long to dry that I still had the back door open and bubble wrap flapping in the wet and windy weather until nearly 11pm. Anyone who lives alone and occasionally gets jumpy at noises will appreciate what a wide open back door near the high street in a city centre at 10.30pm can do for your nerves every time the wind gets behind the bubble wrap.
By the time I got to bed, the whole house was freezing cold.
This morning's grump is that I diligently went for a swim before work and now I have the appetite of 4 people. My stomach is absolutely insatiable.